Room Mode Calculator 二维码
Axial Room Modes
Tangential Room ModesTangential room modes have 1/2 of the energy of axial modes (-3dB). This calculator only plots tangential modes of the same order for each reflection in each plane (eg: 1,1,0: 1,0,1: 0,1,1: 2,2,0: 2,0,2: 0,2,2 etc.) which will not cover all possible modes. This is strictly a limitation in the file size of the javascript calculator and output plotting ability. If you want to find every possible mode, you'd need to take a more rigorous approach.
Oblique Room ModesOblique room modes have 1/4 of the energy of axial modes (-6dB). This calculator only plots oblique modes of the same order for each reflection in each configuration (eg: 1,1,1: 2,2,2: 3,3,3: 4,4,4 etc.) which will not cover all possible modes like 1,2,1 or 2,3,4 etc.. This is strictly a limitation in the file size of the javascript calculator and output plotting ability. If you want to find every possible mode, you'd need to take a more rigorous approach.
Images from B&K Technical Review. This information is provided with no warranty of its accuracy, or applicability, and any use made of this information is done so at the sole risk of the user.